Connecting Die Casting Equipment,Machinist,Manufacturing Processes And Technology. So You Can Focus On Moving Forward.Pintejin Die Casting Group Created Competitive Advantage For Over 30000 Businesses Worldwide.Via [email protected]


what is die casting

What Is Die Casting?Die Casting and it is a precision casting method that obtains the same casting as the mold by injecting molten metal into a steel mold that is precisely machined to perfectly match the required casting shape. In addition to the advantages of almost no need for finishing as the dimensions are accurate, it has excellent mechanical properties and is capable of mass production.Die casting is also called pressure die casting. It is a precision casting method in which molten metal is injected into a steel mold that is precisely machined to perfectly match the required casting shape to obtain a casting identical to that of the mold. The product is called die-casting parts. In addition to the Read more

The Analysis Of China's Automotive Die Casting Industry

The metal materials used in die casting are mainly aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, zinc alloys and copper alloys. Since aluminum alloy die castings are widely used in the automotive industry, they account for a high proportion of die castings. According to the statistics of China Foundry Association, the proportion of aluminum alloy die castings in die castings is about 85%. Market overview of die casting industry (1) Overview of the international market In recent years, with the development of the global economy, the demand for precision die castings in many fields such as automobiles, 3C products, communication infrastructure equipment, household appliances, and medical equipment has steadily increased. At present, the market maturity of die casting parts in developed countries is Read more